Oh it is such a beautiful book. Doug Swenson of the Swenson brothers in a field of flowers. We saw this book once. You are looking at that one copy now. We have spent this whole year so far looking for more. It can't be done. This is the special one.
Serenity now. It is completely, utterly supercharmed this book.
The brothers Swenson. David, the Swan with plaited pony-tail and QR Code pants. Doug, the bearded crow (with pants, if you look closely enough). Great eye contact with the camera.
Joined by their friend Laurie. The book has line-drawing illustrations of some poses but the photographs are the real deal - the faces add character :) We feel like we know these people. We trust them.
Doug Swenson modelling for Francis Bacon.
That's it. The beautiful book that may never be seen again.
"These thoughts and impressions we pass on to you. They are not ours to keep, nor yours, but are gifts to be shared with all in the stream of life."
It's all too wonderful. The book is on the blue button below.