It may look small. It is not. This is a BIG album. 34 x 37 cm and, switching measures, more than an inch thick. That is because there are 468 photo prints inside. Which makes this a HUGE volume of Martin Parr works. All in one go.
There are actually six 4x6" prints per page so 12 in a spread. Parr has given them an episodic edit. Above, the city of Boring is 3 miles away, below he has reached the city limits.
The people of Boring have long since accepted the irony of their anti-exciting signage.
Though some could make a little more effort :)
Parr doesn't simply settle for easy jokes of the Boring Police Station (etc) signs. He went to Boring and took 468 boring photographs. And, of course, they are fascinating. If you are bored of Boring, you are bored of life. And all they have in Boring is life. Lots of it, as it happens.
It is actually quite hard to chose the most boring photograph. This was the least exciting picture on this page - but it was a close run thing. And there are 78 pages just like the one it came from.
While this is, admittedly, the most exciting set of six prints in the book. Positively vivacious this fire station is.
Really is nothing to see here.
School of life. Of which our favourite is probably...
This one.
Owning one Martin Parr print would be wonderful. 468 of them... well, we are spoiling you. The whole album is monumentally Boring Oregon. It is the most Martin Parr and Martin Parr books and right up there as one of the most IDEA books IDEA have ever sold. An historic, museum ready, document. Buy it now!