The first five issues of the relaunched Libertin Dune from Fumihiro Hayashi, the editor of the original Dune which launched in Japan in '93. Hayashi passed away suddenly after the first issue of Libertin Dune was published in 2011 and then headed up by his wife Rinko Kikuchi who worked as editorial director of i-d Japan. The mag continued on the themes of the OG amazine but focused slightly more on art and culture. Too much incredible content which works from Sofia Coppola, Araki, Gonz, Haromix, Dash Snow, Gus Van Sant, Ed Templeton, Spike Jonez, Ryan McGinley, Kenneth Anger... it's never ending and all fantastic.
2011 - 13. Softcover. In near mint condition. 18.5 x 25.5cm. Each around 128 pages.
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