Nineteen ninety six. The middle of everywhere. This first issue is so rare now. It has taken us two years to find one and complete this run. And we were looking every day!
It is really great. We don't profess to understand it but we love it. And some twenty years later the man partly responsible for it will tape a banana to a wall, while the woman responsible for the other part of it will have this most essential IG account.
Fashion photographs and political texts. Pre-social media - when there was always the chance that social would mean 'society' or at least 'social' as in 'social economic history' and not just 'everybody and their bot'.
Keen eyes will spot there are 14 issues in this run. That is because there is no number we dare not name. Like the missing floors in Japanese apartment blocks, you will just have to learn how to count without it. Issue 15 - the final issue - does come with a tote bag though - if that helps the completists cope with this.