Best cover we have seen for a very, very long time. That jacket. That necklace. Title is world class. Font is inspired. Paris map falls in that area between literal and abstract. And the photo - well, he was a great photographer you will see.
This is the first picture in the book. The first page. The expectancy.
Second page. The immigrants' story in embroidery.
Third page and third photograph. Normally we would write 'how did we not know about this book??' But there is a good reason - it is seriously rare. If you weren't there - in Paris in 1981 - the chances are you have never seen it either. And it is so good!!!
A celebration of Black culture in Paris. There are super styled and naturally super cool pictures throughout the book. There is, of course, also protest and struggle.
You don't need to know much French to understand the context that framed the lives of Silatsa and all the people he photographed.
The book more than deserves a reprint. As it is, with this being the only copy we can find anywhere in the world, it is museum grade ultra-desirous. Like you could trade all the books you have ever owned and a thousand pounds and still be richer for owning this. Proper legend.