Who doesn't want that!! COVER GIRL: The Miss Piggy Fantasy Calendar 1981. Fantastical but not a fantasy: we have three of them - all very real.
A Harper's classic cover. With all due respect to Irving Penn we are sure.
There is a threshold for designation as a superbook and Kermit (barely visible) has carried his bride over it.
10 10 10. The Ice Seems to Sing, "Kiss Me, Skates!"
Frog-building for fun. We didn't note the Kermit model parts on the workbench first time around.
Clever. The publication date is in the future.
What more can we say. It's postmodern perfection. Three copies and all of them untouched (no one has circled all their aunts' birthdays or dental appointments). They are all yours. Every week until Christmas now - the best presents ever: for giving and receiving or just gifting to yourself. Buy on the button below.