You can read the cover lines. We are not typing them back out for you. Somewhere in the back end of the seventies (America to be exact) someone had some really good bad ideas, as far as bad ideas go, you know. This is the time and place that threw up The Cocaine Consumer's Handbook, Sappho By The Sea and The Power Look At Home, for example. Well, some good bad ideas are really actually very bad, and this
Male Chauvinist magazine is by far the worst of them.
We do have to underline that it is REAL. It exists - it has adverts! And this advert, wow... phenomenal pheromones. Art directors take note, a few squirts of this stuff and you too can outline packshots with such haphazard irregularity.
Curiously enough, the women in the magazine look great and the fashion is excellent. It is actually quite stylish... it's just full of whack articles like...
... and we picked one of the less offensive features.
Curious choice to have a woman in a tuxedo, hands on hips... it's like these 1978 men are not so keen to dominate as they are to be... just a thought.
In addition to the S.E.X bottles I and II musk, there are also ads for this untrademarked kind of sex aid in tablet form. Read the small print and this will work for loss of sex drive, loss of hair, loss of wife and family, most likely.
There was no second issue. That's no big surprise. Shame as 'Gambling - Where Women Fear To Tread' sounds beyond bizarre... but never mind.
We have one copy of
Male Chauvinist today. We had two more but people keep buying them. They do make for the most pointed of gifts...