The cover alone. Illustrated by Elmer W. Smith. Given that red solid background by someone having a very good design day! Just to give this book some context, other Golden Guides available at the time included;
Zoo Animals,
Tropical Fish,
Insect Pests and
Antique American Glass. That's (one of the things) that makes this book so special.
Inside. Two Colombian boys share a snuffing tube fashioned from bird bone.
And where would anyone be after 14 months of lockdown without a double page of shrooms. Like an i-SPY book of very long lost days.
One for the grandmas. The die-hard grandmas and their Morning Glories. It's the seeds they are after with their LSD like properties.
Of course it is genuinely educational. Like the
Little Red Schoolbook in more ways than one.
Not one hundred percent sure that this Waldorf Steiner style aura colouring is scientifically accurate. But makes more sense as a visualisation of mescaline than the chemical notation that's for sure.
Have long been fascinated by the back cover illustration. Still no answers.
It is of course the single most sought after IDEA superbook. Which is precisely why we have never written about it. People keep buying them!
Well this time we have hoarded three copies just long enough to put this out. They are for you. The newsletter lovers. And we love you too.