One of the later greater Ibiza photographs. A decade before, in 1979, it was all amaze pictures as the Toni Riera Ibiza Guia Playboy proves in multiplex. Point a camera in Pacha in '89 and it would be hard not to hit a Brit. Dave Swindells stood on the terrace of Amnesia, saw a mirrored pyramid and... the rest is history.
This is the book. The debossed title text. Published in 2011. Not so very long ago. But all copies long gone now.
Instagram's favourite image from this book. And no wonder. That is everything fashion. In proper 2017 turn of phrase it is everything everything.
Caron, Boy George, Fat Tony and Louise at Ku.
Peril of Drug Isle Kids. The Sun always so sympathetic :)
This is actually taken in London. At Danny Rampling's Shoom club. 1988. Dream of a Balearic pic though. The whole book is super charmed.
Signed copies. Hit up the button below. And one of them will be yours.