Chips off the old block. This calendar has a certain purity in its art direction for sure.
Half of the calendar is relatively normal. The sun enters Aquarius at 13:50 on Sunday 20th. Add to that - dental checkup and collect dry cleaning and you have yourself a normal enough life.
Except for the fact that you'll have this image hanging in your kitchen for a month.
And for August you'll be looking at a 'Feathery forest of free base Cocaine'. Some of the best copywriting we have ever read has found its way into this calendar. This one continues; 'Unlike salts such as Cocaine Hydrochloride, free base is insoluble in water, which makes it a waste to snort and fatal to inject.' You have been warned.
'Mother-of-pearl 1-ounce cliffs of cleaned street coke precipitated in ether.'
The subject of the text may be illegal and seriously ill-advised, but the text, at least, can be enjoyed by everyone.
Dried Coca leaves spilling out of a bale onto a traditional Andean weaving.
The calendar can be a little relentless in its icy cool. October has a warmth of its own. Not sure if the 1980 Andean Weaving Calendar had a cocaine picture in a reciprocal October deal... we may never know.
A delicate layered structure appears when a piece is fractured from the 3-gram chunk also shown in April.
This is what you get for December - a chunk of April!
So that's it. It is insanely rare. And just insane. We have only the one example. The 1980 Cocaine Calendar on the button below.