Always knew that Supreme book end would meet its match some day. We have had this ultimate Bruce Lee superbox of superbooks once before. We just didn't know there were...
...three boxes! And in case you are thinking it looks supercool but a little black and white...
... How's that for colours! The books (and there are 16 volumes in total) were published in Hong Kong and appear to have sold in China and Japan. Text is in both languages so it is a little disorientating but we are fairly sure the series started in 1975 and end up being boxed up in 1984. Complete sets like these virtual impossible finds. But that's a given, right?
Fashion reference. Not least for Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. 4
The series is part fan book and part step by step instructions as to how to kick and chop like an artificially intelligent Swiss Army Knife. We like Bruce in seventies executive mode.
Or just casual like.
We would buy all of this. And trust us - we are trying.
Lee had the one of the most expressive faces on film. See above his reaction to the news that Kim Jones was awarded an OBE (congrats Kim, btw).
They are the most amazing superboxes. The ultimate Bruce Lee reference in print. 16 volumes in three boxes (Supreme book ends not included). One inch punch the button below to buy.