May as well be chiselled in stone. That cover is so classical. The deco typeface and the cowboy-type face. The best looking book you will ever have bought. First published in 1976. Unsurpassed in our opinion. The beautiful men are the best men.
Beauty is in the eyes. He has beautiful eyes. Also very nice Indian cotton cheesecloth shirt. The pipe, joint and paisley table cloth... just scene setting props.
Hello! Legs like a log flume! Dressed to impress the hell out of anyone.
Clothes off now. This is how good this book is... VERY GOOD!! One of the many definitions of the superbook - that feeling that you could just move into it and stay in that room for a week.
Good grief! Milk and cookies and the short shorts combination. Best photo in the book though.
Young Woody Harrelson meets the young Jeff Daniels. The clothes come off on the following pages but here on the steps - nice styling with the 70s Asics.
Plant seeds. Just in case you forgot for one minute that this book was a product of San Francisco in the seventies.
Now he looks like someone too. Alex Olson? That moustache! What an incredible portrait. Beautiful.
Admiring the view. This cheeky postcard shot is from the last page. The book is actually remarkably uncontrived.
It is rare, like, of course it is rare. There are two copies to be found in the world right now and we have them both :)
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